Saturday, April 2, 2011

*almost* home

we took a brief trip up to our *almost* new home. it was a million emotions all at once. it felt awesome/exciting/terrifying/freaky/strange/weird/crazy/HAPPY...

i cant tell you what a relief it was to go up there and actually SEE where i'll be living. it's no longer this big unknown that i fear. instead, im actually really looking forward to moving!!! in fact, i think i'll be happier there than i was here in STL, which is really saying something because ive lurved living here. i keep telling myself that if i was able to find and make such amazing friends in St Louis, then there's got to be some pretty rocking chicks up in Toledo too.

and the money stuff??? well, it'll resolve itself somehow. right now, i need to kind of take a chill pill and a deep breath. i mean, no matter how much money i do or dont have, i'll still need to be careful about how it's spent. i guess we'll just have to roll the dice and see where it all lands. deep breath people, deep breath.

because we're going to residency one way or another...


  1. That's right! You've gotten this far. Seems like a shame to give it all up for the price of a few moving expenses : )

    I am sooooo happy you like Toledo. yay! Are you moving there for internship year? (like THIS June?) I ask because Chad matched to a different intern location than residency.

  2. I'm from Ohio near Mansfield, now I'm just over the border here in Michigan which is an hour away from Toledo. You'll learn to love Sylvania and Maumee the best! Ohio is not so bad they have great seasons! Enjoy the ride.

  3. I've lived in both STL and OH and I MUCH prefer OH. It just seems safer, somehow.

    Good luck with the move and everything leading up to it!
