Wednesday, September 7, 2011

deep breath

our easy rotations are almost over.  we had 2 months that were essentially hospital-free.  now, orthoman is on a Rehab rotation where he's working 7:30 - 5 everyday.  a few mornings a week he goes in early for lecture, but he'll be home before 5 almost every day.  and of course there are no weekends!  so for the month of september, we're on a schedule that more closely resembles the rest of the world.  weird.  

and in case you're upset that he's had it so "easy", just remember that we're in orthopedics.  so come October 1st, he's gone.  forever.  

okay, maybe not forever, but it'll get insane.  

and because we're both a little crazy, and stupid, we were shocked when we learned that we got pregnant after the miscarriage in early june!  so, im 14 weeks pregnant and due to have a baby the first week that he starts his 4 month Gen. Surgery trauma rotation.  you know, the one with the most awful hours.  the one where he can only take 1 (preschedule) week of vacation THE ENTIRE 4 MONTHS.  on the bright side, at least we'll both be zombies at the same time, albeit in different locations, but now he'll be able to appreciate what i went through with our 1st kid.

so im excited.  and terrified.  but mostly, im trying to not let medicine rule my life.  i feel like it's been permeating everything in my life for the past year and im over it.  we interviewed.  we matched.  we moved.  now it's time to settle in and get on with life already.  orthoman wont be around a lot, but how is that different than the past 2 years?  ive made due then, and ill make due now.  there's almost a sense of relief because residency is NOW.  it's no longer this looming cloud over our heads.  we know where we're living, we know where he's working.  so many questions have been answered!  

fellowship is a whole other beast, but at least we dont have to consider that for a while, right???


  1. Gen Surge trauama for 4 months? We had it for a month (his first month) and that certainly felt like jumping into the deep end. I'm so excited for you guys and the little one on the way.

  2. Congratulations!! I am so happy for you! We had our easy rotations already, too, and now my ER resident is doing a trauma rotation where he works 8-6 (which really means 8-8 by the time he gets all his paperwork done), and is on call every 4th day and gets only 4 days off all month. October will be easier for us because he gets a week off that month for when our #3 baby is born (due 10/10). Also he has paternity leave (!?) so there is a rumor he COULD take more time off if he wanted, but I am not sure he will or we will need him to. Anyway, enjoy it while you can and congrats again!!

  3. Congrats on the baby! If I were in your position, I would definitely try to take advantage of all the benefits out there for families (be it food stamps, awesome health plan, paternity leave, etc).

    You are being insanely positive and I love it (I've really been working on the whole positivity thing and it's done wonders for myself!)
    A baby is a blessing and you guys are going to do just fine!

  5. Yay! Baby time!!! That ought to keep you busy over the next few YEARS!

    You are definitely passing over a threshold, or going over the edge of a waterslide... into the next phase.

    It'll get worse before it gets better no doubt. Let us know how you decide to spend your new found ME time!
